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Image Thumbnail Early bird catches the worm & Second Mouse Get the Cheese

‘Early bird catches the worm & Second Mouse Get the Cheese’?

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Do you know how early bird and second mouse can be used as an idiom, more specifically a joke idiom? In literature, the early bird gets the worm and the second mouse gets the cheese are two idioms with relatable (but not the same) meanings. 

And the relatability between them is the reason for their combined usage sometimes. These are two idioms that can be used together right, but what do these sayings mean?

The saying ‘Early bird gets the worm’ means if you start something early, your chances of success are higher. While ‘Second Mouse Get the Cheese’ means the first mouse gets trapped and the mouse behind him takes the advantage of this & takes the bait (cheese).

Early bird catches the worm & Second Mouse Get the Cheese - A Good Library - agoodlibrary.com - English Literary terms expressions phrases - Jui Shirvalkar

Explaining with literal meaning – If an open jar is stuffed with worms kept in an open area, whichever bird comes first will have the chance of eating more worms. On the other hand, one mouse gets trapped in search of cheese with two mice rambling outside. The first mouse enters the trap and gets killed. The second mouse will be saved and can have bait – cheese – kept in the trap.

Interesting right? Read further to know about these idioms and how these can be used together.

Meaning of the Saying ‘The Early Bird Catches The Worm’

The idiom meaning of this phrase depicts the person who grabs the earliest opportunity to do something and gain an advantage over others. In this idiom, we can use either gets or catches. 

For example – If there are limited tickets being distributed at 11’ o’clock for a concert, and John reaches the counter before anyone else. The chances of him getting a ticket are higher. So, he can say:

I am thrilled that I got the tickets for a concert after all the early bird catches the worm.


Rachel stepped out early for shopping, saying the early bird catches the worm. She didn’t want to lose the best prices.

What’s the Origin of the Phrase ‘The Early Bird Catches The Worm’?

While talking about the origin, it is believed that it was recorded in 1605 according to dictionary.com. 

The other studies date its recording back to the 17th century by John Ray in his collection of proverbs. The proverb was something like this:

“The early bird catcheth the worm.”

Though it’s an older proverb apparently 400 years old, it is one of the commonly used idioms.

Why Does the Second Mouse Get the Cheese?

The idiom’s meaning goes by its literal meaning. But, the phrase the second mouse gets the cheese means it is better to think and learn first from other people’s mistakes before taking an action. Just like what happens when there is one mouse trap with two mice outside the trap.

Usage example:

Berry’s elder sister tried her hands at the guitar to her surprise she couldn’t do it. But, Berry learned it in a few weeks. So, this is how Berry will say:

You know, I didn’t have any clue that I could do it, but it’s an old saying the second mouse gets the cheese.

Here, Berry meant that she learned from her sister’s mistake and didn’t repeat the same.


There are some dishes that I cook better than my mother as the second mouse gets the cheese. 

Origin of the Saying ‘The Second Mouse Get the Cheese

The origin remains unknown but the studies believed that it was coined in the 1990s. Though, the second mouse gets the cheese was connected to the phrase “the early bird gets the worm” in the 1990s and recorded in various newspapers and on the early internet. 

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

As mentioned above, the connection between the two was found in the 1990s. So, when we combine the two in a sentence, it says

The person who catches the opportunity first gets success, but sometimes it’s better to think and learn from other people’s mistakes before taking any action.

For example:

Shelby says – Debby, you are getting late for the ticket counter. Dude, the early bird gets the worm, they might be sold out.

Debby responds – Yeah, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Danny couldn’t submit the project even though he started early and his friend Liza completed it on time.

Liza, I thought you won’t be the first person in the submission line as the early bird gets the worm. She replies, yes, but the second mouse gets the cheese. 

Examples of ‘The Early Bird Gets the Worm’

  • I like to start early for college because the early bird catches the worm.
  • We always try to start our day early in the morning, as the early bird catches the worm.
  • Julie starts early for the train station as she says the early bird catches the worm and she won’t get late.

Examples of ‘The Second Mouse Gets the Cheese’

  • How did you pass the exam in one attempt? You know the second mouse gets the cheese.
  • Before presenting his ideas, Daniel waited for other colleagues and impressed everyone with his idea later, as the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Jui Shirvalkar-Chandurkar

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