Poem | Year | Poet | Country | Type |
Song of Myself | 1855 | Walt Whitman | United States | Classical Free Verse |
Leaves of Grass | 1855 | Walt Whitman | United States | Classical Free Verse |
The Waste Land | 1922 | T.S. Eliot | United States/England | Modernist Free Verse |
Howl | 1956 | Allen Ginsberg | United States | Beat Poetry (Free Verse) |
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock | 1915 | T.S. Eliot | United States/England | Modernist Free Verse |
A Supermarket in California | 1956 | Allen Ginsberg | United States | Beat Poetry (Free Verse) |
The Red Wheelbarrow | 1923 | William Carlos Williams | United States | Imagist Free Verse |
I Celebrate Myself | 1855 | Walt Whitman | United States | Classical Free Verse |
The Garden | 1913 | Ezra Pound | United States/England | Modernist Free Verse |
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night | 1951 | Dylan Thomas | Wales | Modern Free Verse |
The Negro Speaks of Rivers | 1921 | Langston Hughes | United States | Harlem Renaissance Free Verse |
In a Station of the Metro | 1913 | Ezra Pound | United States/England | Imagist Free Verse |
Ariel | 1965 | Sylvia Plath | United States | Confessional Free Verse |
Lady Lazarus | 1965 | Sylvia Plath | United States | Confessional Free Verse |
The Fish | 1984 | Elizabeth Bishop | United States | Imagist Free Verse |
The Colonel | 1966 | Carolyn Forché | United States | Political Free Verse |
O Taste and See | 1952 | Robert Creeley | United States | Minimalist Free Verse |
The Death of the Hired Man | 1914 | Robert Frost | United States | Narrative Free Verse |
The Emperor of Ice-Cream | 1922 | Wallace Stevens | United States | Modernist Free Verse |
For the Union Dead | 1961 | Robert Lowell | United States | Confessional Free Verse |
This Is Just to Say | 1934 | William Carlos Williams | United States | Imagist Free Verse |

List of Free Verses | Chronological | English Literature Studies
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Jui Shirvalkar
Founder & Librarian at A Good Library.
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Jui Shirvalkar-Chandurkar
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