Ballad Title | Year | Writer | Country | Type of Ballad |
Robin Hood and the Monk | c. 1450 | Anonymous | England | Folk/Traditional |
The Twa Corbies | c. 1600 | Anonymous | Scotland | Folk/Traditional |
Sir Patrick Spens | c. 1600 | Anonymous | Scotland | Folk/Traditional |
Barbara Allen | c. 17th century | Anonymous | Scotland/England | Folk/Traditional |
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner | 1798 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | England | Literary |
La Belle Dame sans Merci | 1819 | John Keats | England | Literary |
The Ballad of Reading Gaol | 1898 | Oscar Wilde | Ireland | Literary |
The Cremation of Sam McGee | 1907 | Robert W. Service | Canada | Literary |
Casey at the Bat | 1888 | Ernest Lawrence Thayer | United States | Literary |
The Highwayman | 1906 | Alfred Noyes | England | Literary |
The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver | 1922 | Edna St. Vincent Millay | United States | Literary |
Lord Randall | Unknown (Medieval) | Anonymous | Scotland | Folk/Traditional |
Bonny Barbara Allan | c. 17th century | Anonymous | England | Folk/Traditional |
The Unquiet Grave | c. 15th century | Anonymous | England | Folk/Traditional |
Frankie and Johnny | c. 1890 | Anonymous | United States | Broadside |
The Unfortunate Rake | 1700s | Anonymous | England | Broadside |
The Ballad of Chevy Chase | c. 14th century | Anonymous | England | Historical |
The Battle of Otterburn | c. 14th century | Anonymous | Scotland/England | Historical |
The Ballad of Reading Gaol | 1898 | Oscar Wilde | Ireland | Mock |
The Nightingale and the Rose | 1888 | Oscar Wilde | England | Mock |
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner | 1798 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | England | Narrative |
The Ballad of John Henry | 1900s | Anonymous | United States | Narrative |
The Lament of the Border Widow | c. 17th century | Anonymous | Scotland | Narrative |
The Green Grass Grows All Around | 1907 | Anonymous | United States | Folk/Traditional |
The Stag at Bay | 1917 | Rudyard Kipling | England | Literary |
The Wreck of the Hesperus | 1839 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | United States | Literary |
The Ballad of Tam Lin | c. 16th century | Anonymous | Scotland | Folk/Traditional |
The Ballad of the Clamper | 1890 | Anonymous | United States | Broadside |
The Farmer’s Boy | 1825 | William Barnes | England | Literary |

List of Ballads | Chronological | English Literature Studies
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Jui Shirvalkar
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